Hockey in nl 2018
I certainly hope hockey is once again a big hit in nl in 2018..Im hearing on the east coast that a new league is forming for the fall of 2018. I would love to see it done right and hockey fans from all over the province get excited again..Im hearing from a reliable source that there will be six teams in an Avalon East league which will include Caribous. Im hearing that the Caps and Blues will be done and all there players will go to a draft...Im hearing Paradise , Mount pearl, Southern Shore , Ceebees , Clarenville and Torbay..When you look at it it really makes sense even for Clarenville with regards to travel. With 5 teams besides them it would be a lot less travel and something new for the fans of Clarenville who dont attend anymore...That leaves the central west and i would like to see that league be a new league as well with 4 or 5 teams from the immediate area.. Hockey in nl has to concentrate on local players and stick to immediate areas for best results...Well again thats a rumor for now but if i was Central west senior hockey league i would definetly prepare for it happening...I think its going to happen and all the best to all areas when it does and i hope hockey in nl becomes great once again...." Happy New Year everyone "
I have seen 4 AESHL teams play against the CWSHL teams this year and the only team that came close to competing were the St. John's Caps and they are an aging team. Hats off to the other 3 teams for coming out and giving there best but the quality of hockey at the CWSHL level was not evident. I just finished watching the NorthEast Eagles play the Flyers and felt embarrassed for them. Diluting the AESHL with six teams would not do anything to improve the quality of the hockey in that league. Fans want to see intensity and skill, dilution does nothing to improve that. Its quality we want not quantity. Senior hockey has to be about the fans not the players, otherwise it is just Rec hockey.
Thanks for coming out is about the only good thing you can say about this whole ordeal...Eagles blown out again...This is such a pathetic state that hockey nl has created...Drive 5 hours on a bus across the province to be totally humiliated yet again. people have got to agree that there has to be a better plan then this . The Eschl or the Avalon east as it was known is a leses caliber of hockey then the central west . It took an all star team from the Avalon East to compete with the Central west. For the love god hockey nl do something about the mess you have created...
Some of the problems we face is certainly what you have said...But to be honest i enjpoyed the Avalon east last year and although the ceebees had the best record there were a lot of great games and very close games ..there were very few blowouts and all teams were close..We had accepted the fact that we werew at that calliber but we enjoyed not having to bring in imports and pay for hotes...When the time come the winning team picked up 5 or 6 strengthing players and went to the Herder..It was great..I think its the way we will have to go again...The biggest problem was that the three teams got bored with three teams and also having to spend a barrell of money playing players..Its just not there ....The only rink that was full last year for every game was hr. grace...We need to see how they do it and take that approach..Hockey in ceebees district was permotted and there was a eager exceutive permoting the team and the community was involved .. But they say hr.grace can do it but a city and area of 130,0000 people cant get fans out...thats because those teams are old school...Thers has to be new blood and new ideas to grow this game ...its time to clean house folks.....
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